Category: ice

  • I Saw a James, a Simon, a Bunch of Andrews, Johns, Philips, Thomases, Matthews, Maybe a Bartholomew but Definitely Not a Labbaeus or a Judas

    The Apostle Islands National Park is about an hour-and-a-half from Duluth. Every now and then, we have cause to drive that direction or swing over to the neighboring town of Bayfield. However, the other day, we aimed the car directly towards the park, on purpose. We decided to join the stampede and visit the ice…

  • Safety in Popsicles

      I love winter for ninety-eleven reasons: 1) When I wear snowshoes, my size 10 hooves actually feel petite in comparison. This is also why I sometimes sport a pair of huge “We’re #1” foam hands when I teach sign language. 2) Scarves are the accessory that can never go wrong. I read this in…

  • Cooling Our Jets

    “Cooling Our Jets” In my last post, I pretty much took the piss out of winter–and February especially. Time for true confessions: I actually adore winter. It is one of my three favorite seasons, in fact. And when a winter overflows with snow, it makes the cut for Top Two. But, damn, when there’s no…