A Day at the…

Hark and sunscreen!

We visit the beach. Look, I have a mother who visited from California. Look, we have sand here (“here” being Park Point, the longest freshwater sandbar in the world) and not just pebbles. Look, we pose carefully for the nice lady from Minneapolis who asked, “Do I push this button?’

We shriek at the 45 degree water. We think back to the lovely lunch we just had at the New Scenic Cafe–remembering fondly walleye encrusted with pistachios, Belgian waffle sticks, upscale BLT’s with avacado and jalapeno bacon, fried egg sandwiches with gruyere and asparagus. We shriek some more as the waves lap around us. I urge my mom out further and further, as icing her torn meniscus is recommended. We save on the cost of ice cubes.

Then we chat.

One person, he with the most clarity, gets down to business. He is six, and his name is Paco, and he absolutely. didn’t. want. to. go. to. the. Park. Point. Beach. because. he. hates. it. there.

Admirably, he overcomes his reservations.

And sets the standard.

He makes me wonder why I was so terrified to have a boy.

He likes making things.

Like shields and red envelopes for Chinese New Year gifts and lanterns and quivers and moonscapes.

He is growing his hair out because he admires skateboarders and a boy named Oscar.

His legs, called his “pudgers,” are the softest, creamiest things I know outside of a Dairy Queen ice cream cone.

Maybe he admires his grandma, too, as they share a ‘do.

Girl can’t be bothered. She understands, implicitly, one of life’s great joys: reading at the beach.

You can try to engage her attention, but she will cast you off with a look that says, “Do not even try, white lady.”

Ten feet away from the reading, construction continues.

Many more yards away from the reading and construction, life in the city continues.

But mostly, we’re just where we’re at this very moment.






23 responses to “A Day at the…”

  1. Liam Avatar

    You have a nice family and you take great pictures

  2. Patois Avatar

    A very good place to be: where you're at.

  3. Jeni Avatar

    Ah, loved this post! But a "Fear of raising a boy" confuses me. Why so? Having raised two girls and one boy, I'll take boys any day of the week! No PMS! And trust me, that is a very wicked thing to deal with -especially in a house with three females! Maybe that's why my son was a little easier to deal with overall. No mood issues.

  4. secret agent woman Avatar
    secret agent woman

    I had to force myself past the 45 degree water bit.

    I always imagined myself with daughters, but knew from the moment of the ultrasound that I'd be just fine raising boys.

  5. kmkat Avatar

    "Don't even try, white lady." Another great line from Jocelyn. Tell your mom I have a torn meniscus, too; arthroscopic surgery scheduled on the 28th. Maybe she would like to join me? We could keep each other's spirits up as the surgeons cut and probe and generally create havoc.

  6. Michelle Avatar

    Oh how lovely. I wish I were there today…

  7. Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings Avatar
    Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings

    Look! He and grandma do have the same haircut! Wow! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great shots and it looks like so much fun. I do wish I could go visit the beach as well. Next year if the kid doesn't want to go…take me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Who is this Liam? Is he a real guy? He looks a bit like a stalker. I will check him out for you.

  8. Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings Avatar
    Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings

    Oh. Liam wants to sell you his body. Just letting you know.

    Lock up your daughter.

    Just sayin' . . . I don't think that is Liam's real name or his real picture.

  9. Minnesota Matron Avatar
    Minnesota Matron

    Love to be there with you!

  10. Jazz Avatar

    Lovely post. And for you I would brrrrrave 45 degree water. I would, I would!!! If there's a margarita in it for me.

  11. flutter Avatar

    fess up, you sold all of your pigmentation to a wandering band of gypsies for a bag of magic beans….

  12. lime Avatar

    aaahhhh, looks like a good time was had by all.

  13. Hannah Avatar

    Wonderful! I love the pictures of the little guy digging into the sand.:)

  14. yinyang Avatar

    I love Paco's t-shirt – totally groovy.

  15. monica Avatar

    makes you all warm inside… good adventures and memories.. I'm sure your mom will treasure this day, along with yourselves…

  16. heartinsanfrancisco Avatar

    What a perfect, lovely day! As for 45-degree water, well now, see why I don't swim in San Francisco Bay. I'm a sissy, not into such mortification of the flesh.

  17. Fragrant Liar Avatar
    Fragrant Liar

    I too feared raising a boy, so instead I had four girls. Looks like a lovely day was had by all, especially the one who. did. not. want. to. go. there. ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. Your menu has made me hungry.

  18. phd in yogurtry Avatar
    phd in yogurtry

    These are some wonderful photos of your family. Absolutely love the reluctant sand boy and the determined book girl. Very funny, about the ice cubes. Now, I don't suppose your mum thought it as funny?

    But whoah. I am pretty stuck on that 45-degree bit, as well. Are wet suits standard issue on the beaches up there?

  19. Midlife Jobhunter Avatar
    Midlife Jobhunter

    All great pictures, but the last one belongs on the wall. The food sounds much better than the hamburger I just slammed due to starvation. I can't imagine having a girl that sits and reads. The boys? Always find a way to entertain themselves also. A different kind of fun.

    Enjoyed it.

  20. Pam Avatar

    Loved this post Jocelyn! What a great day.

  21. Jazz Avatar

    You email things to your mother but you don't email anything to me???

  22. Green Girl in Wisconsin Avatar
    Green Girl in Wisconsin

    your family looks wonderful. I love the daughter with nose in book and the messy construction worker boy. My G has those legs–what a perfect description!

  23. Anonymous Avatar

    Crikey, that captures all of Park Point and nearly all of Duluth!

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