In the ninth grade, Cyrus and Milo are twins who live in Massachusetts.
1. Think of a specific time you felt joy. What was going on, and why were you so happy in that moment?
This spring I was in a musical for my school, and I had a solo at the beginning of one of the songs. I think on opening night when I walked out and started singing for people, that’s one of my happiest memories.
2. What are some of your favorite sounds?
Toaster ding
Card shuffling
Tap dancing shoes on a hard floor
3. What makes you feel upset or angry? Why?
Being told to do things really ticks me off. I don’t really know why, I just want to live according to my terms, I guess.
4. What is something in your life that feels hard for you these days? Tell us about it.
What’s hard for me is being compared to my brother. It’s bad enough that we get mistaken for each other, but being directly compared to him just makes me feel uneasy and weird.
5. If you were to recommend a book, author, movie, tv show, or musical group to readers, what would it be? What’s so great about it?
Steven Universe. It’s a really cute show, with really beautiful art and a really diverse cast and great characters and an engaging plot. Best show ever.

1. Think of a specific time you felt joy. What was going on, and why were you so happy in that moment?
When I was playing baseball last summer. I was playing third base, and there were runners on first and second with no outs. It wasn’t looking good, but the ball was hit right to me, and I caught it and threw to second, then they threw to first, and it never happens in rec league, but we got a triple play, and it was great. I was really happy because I’m usually not the star player on a team, but I stood out in that play, and it felt really good.
2. What are some of your favorite sounds?
The openings to my favorite songs
The crack of a baseball on a bat or in a mitt
3. What makes you feel upset or angry? Why?
Not remembering something makes me feel angry. Whenever I forget to do something I said I’d do, or I forget a play in basketball or anything, I get really down on myself.
4.What is something in your life that feels hard for you these days? Tell us about it.
Getting up in the morning has been feeling harder recently, even though I’ve been going to bed at the same time. I just don’t want to get out of bed, and my alarm just goes on and on.
5. If you were to recommend a book, author, movie, tv show, or musical group to readers, what would it be? What’s so great about it?
I would recommend Linkin Park. I really like Linkin Park as a band and their sound is really interesting. It’s a combination of hip hop and electronic/metal mostly in their early albums, but their newer stuff has more electronic and it’s all really loud and great. I would recommend starting with Hybrid Theory as an album, but Meteora is my favorite.
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