…which means we still have a Question of the Day. Recently, I posed this one:
How ’bout you, Poodles?
…which means we still have a Question of the Day. Recently, I posed this one:
How ’bout you, Poodles?
Not sure about inventing, but I can imagine a recipe for a morning breakfast game, between son and myself, that would end only by the sound of breakage.
I have a hard enough time dealing with the actual problems life presents me. I'd probably eat the pancake and leave the rest of it alone.
That sounds like the accoutrement of stuff often found shoved under the cedar chest (dual duty item -serves as our coffee table in the living room) by the grandkids in their attempt to make it look like they cleaned up all their toys and junk from the floor -where they scatter it randomly in their efforts to build the perfect place for Gram to trip, fall and break her butt which then will save them from having to clean up anymore or listen to Gram complain about the mess cause then she'd be moaning about the pains they just created for her.
I like how the girl thinks–an obstacle course sounds awesome. Or a wild trap–what a thought! Who comes up with these questions?
Sadly, I would probably start wondering aloud who the hell left all that crap all over my clean house.
A thoroughly exhausted 10-week-old puppy (if he didn't swallow the marble. And no, he's not mine. He's my parents')
Oh my god, way to put me on the spot. Especially when I'm so jet-lagged I can't remember the simplest words. But here goes…
Forgive me for being boring about it, but it's pretty obvious that the slinky is the racecourse for two unevenly matched, rolling opponents, who are shot through the gate with a wack from the slipper.
And I'll just sit back and watch, munching on my pancake.
I know I've said it before, but the biggest regret of my parenting life is that I didn't know about your and your whiteboard when it would have mattered.
Having lived in a house with four males for most of my life, I would choose a game. Tossing the marble through the slinky, landing on the ball which rolls over the pancake and lands the marble in the slipper. Or something like that.
Much too easy.
i think i'd be inspired to start on some sort of rube goldberg machine.
but nothing could top the wild paco trap!
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