Category: goodness

  • The Best Laddie

    The Best Laddie

    I want to remember 16 because it’s as good as everything else has been. He staggers through the front door, having just walked home from robotics practice after school, and in addition to the fully loaded pack on his back, he’s carrying a big box. It’s the new compost bin, delivered onto the front porch…

  • The Small Things

    The Small Things

    Guns. Bombs. Death. Terrorists. Neo-conservatism. Trump. Brexit. As heart-on-her-shirt hard-boiled-egg of a comic strip character Cathy would say, “Ack.” ACK. I feel ill-equipped to have the big conversations. When it comes to politics and violence and hatred and opinions, my stomach compacts into a dark, hard knot; instinctively, my spirit folds protectively into a crouch…

  • Happiness Is a Red Negligee

              Two summers ago, we entered a merciful holding pattern… metaphorically. For nobody got on an airplane. And nobody died. Nobody sprang a mutated version of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” evening on us. Instead, we took a quick trip to Lincoln, Nebraska, meeting my sister there for a few days…