Category: love

  • Golden Plates: Tarnished

     Yesterday, I watched voyeuristically as my country acted the john to another media-Hallmark-florist-driven whore of a holiday. Having steered clear of the entire transaction myself, I had plenty of time to muse on the fact that it was a mutual-antipathy of VD that first watered the love blooming between Groom and me. Oh, plus he…

  • My Funny Valentine

    Dear Bicycle Commuter Rocketing Off the Trail by Crosley Street at Dusk: You will never know how close you came to a kismetical meeting with the Love of Your Life tonight. That unmet L.o.Y.L.? Me. So focused were you on getting home after a long day at the–what?–H & R Block that you didn’t even…

  • Sucking It Up

    In last month or two, during a phase when my lap is always full, my neck skin is constantly fondled, and “I yuv you a bushel and a peck” is whispered repeatedly into my ear throughout the day, I am exceedingly aware that I have never before–and will never again–be loved as sweetly deeply profoundly…