6:43 p.m.
I am sorry to bring this up, but I noticed the paper was due yesterday and not Sunday. I finished the paper prior to the rough draft phase, I have been waiting to turn it in. I made the inept decision to wait until Sunday to turn it in. I apologize for my lack of foresight in terms of checking due dates. I hope you can still accept my paper.

10:54 p.m.
I have been very sick these last two days and been in bed. I forgot we had a quiz this week because I have been so ill. Would I be able to take it late?

7:35 a.m.
I had a bit of a problem and ended up in the hospital. This semester has been very hard for me.

8:24 a.m.
I did get tested and came back negative. I do have strep throat and they were able to treat me for it.

1:56 p.m.
Hello. I am trying desperately to upload my final draft and it won’t save to my computer, it won’t upload and I copied and pasted it to google docs, saved it and downloaded it and now the assignments folder won’t even let me press the upload button to try to turn it in. All the formatting is messed up in google docs but I’m trying really hard to get it to you. It won’t even let me email the document. I’m not sure what to do short of copying and pasting it in an email to you. I have to go to work soon so I can’t continue trying right now. Any help is appreciated.

6:18 p.m.
When I saved my paper to docs it looks like the spacing is off for the outline being on one page and then the paper itself looks off as well. It shows on Word that each part is on asseverate page but the overall spacing looks weird! Help?

6:20 p.m.
I know, you’re sick of me turning in things late. I am too.

7:45 p.m.
I’m sorry I don’t know how to add an attachment to a discussion post

9:50 a.m.
Hello, I was wondering if there is anyway I could have an extension on my draft. My family had COVID and I just started feeling better. Thanks

2:19 p.m.
I understand that you do not take late work after rereading the class syllabus however I have a quiz that is missing that I did not do, and it was quiz 2. This quiz might be the difference in my letter grade in the class and I totally understand if I can’t retake it because I should be on top of my work and I have responsibilities to this class. I’m not making any excuses on me not taking it. It was my fault, but I would love for you to reopen the quiz for me.

4:34 p.m.
I know I’m asking a lot, but I would love to pass this class with a B so that it counts towards my program. Is there a way that I can redo the rough draft or something so that I can get full credit? I know that this is my fault and I’m willing to do anything to get my grade up.

5:35 p.m.
Is there any work that i’m able to redo or do to get a higher grade in your class? I was informed that if I don’t receive a A in your class I won’t have a good gpa

9:03 p.m.
Good Evening,
I wanted to reach out and see if we could talk about some things I have been needing to reach out for. Would it be okay if we could meet in your office?

9:35 a.m.
I just wanted to let you know that I have been in and out of the hospital the last two days because of a brain injury. I don’t know if it will change anything but I just wanted to let you know.

11:36 a.m.
Hi, I fell and hit my head really hard on ice. I don’t know if I will be able to complete the final today or tomorrow Thank you!

11:47 a.m.
Hello! Would it be possible if I could get extra time on the final?Thanks!

6:23 p.m.
The person that marked up my paper is really throwing me off. She put on my paper that Reagon wasn’t in office in 2000, which is nowhere near what I said was put in my paper. In my paper I put “during the Reagon administration”, and everybody knows that the Reagon administration lasted long after his presidency in 1980 and 1984, so i’m confused.

6:57 p.m.
Hello, I think I’m going to go to the hospital right now because I’m having trouble breathing. I think I could be having panic attack, but this is the third hot flash and can’t breathe feeling I have had today.

10:17 p.m.
Hello, I know this is something you hear all the time at the end of the semester when students realize that they might fail your class but I was hoping that there is something I could do to get my grade to a low C. I feel like my research paper is not going to be a great grade because it was so hard for me and I got some help but it is difficult for me regardless how much touring I get. I have no one to blame but myself but as you know I have had a rough few months with me being ill and then staff being out with COVID and having work more hours than any would have to work my school suffered a little bit. I understand if there is nothing I can do and like I have said before I would rather try and get a No than not try and be mad I didn’t.

8:16 a.m.
I’m in the hospital with a tube down my throat helping me breathe (I have COVID).. I was just reaching out because I have had trouble assessing my exams for all my classes because our connection in the hospital is horrible. My doctor reached out to my other professors with proof that I’m here if you needed that.. but I honestly don’t know what to do.. I was just letting you know that I will attempt the exam today but when I log in, it will kick me out at least twice before being able to finish it, as it did with my other exams that I finally finished.

11:45 a.m.
Thank you. I am most definitely gonna finish it. Thank you for your existence.

11:45 a.m.
I’m sorry I meant assistance **, I’m light headed sorry.

1:08 p.m.
I have been meaning to check back in with you, it’s been a rough week but I am at home with parents. I turned in my final paper, and all my other work will be in by tomorrow. I have panic attack meds now and they are working!!

1:41 p.m.
I am only THREE whole points away from getting an “A” for this class. I know you mentioned you do not do any extra credit, but I just figured I would ask if there was any way I could do any extra credit to earn those THREE nagging points? I understand 89% “B” is a good grade, and I understand if there is nothing you can offer. BUT I just wanted to see, just incase.
Thank you for putting up with my corky personality this semester!

3:13 p.m.
I was struggling with some anxiety and depression this past week, but I think I’m back on track now!

6:29 p.m.
Can you please call me or reopen the quiz please? It wasn’t supposed to be submitted. I lost my connection

6:34 p.m.
I didn’t enter all of my answers or get a chance to go over them.. I had 20 minutes left. My nurse moved me to a different area of the hospital so I can have a better connection

6:37 p.m.
They are coming to remove my tubes in two hours, so after that I won’t be able to take the test because i’ll be out to sleep.

6:41 p.m.
I can have my doctor call you as well if you need proof, I started on my quiz 45 minutes after my surgery and it kicked me out 20 minutes before I could finish.. I was still looking over my questions before I got kicked out

7:06 p.m.
I’m soooo sorry that it took me this long to respond to your feedback. To be honest, I didn’t see it till yesterday.

7:32 p.m.
I don’t know the answers .. I couldn’t even finish or look over my answers .. all i know is that i received a 70

7:32 p.m.
Which pushed me down to a 69. Are you able to tell me if I finished with at least a B? If I did not, can I please start over ?

8:37 a.m.
Hi, I hate to ask I had enough family emergency come up the last couple days and wasn’t able to finish my final I was wondering if it could be reopened again today so I can finish it before tonight.

12:13 p.m.
So the final quiz is closed so I was not able to take it or access it. If there is anything I can do to get it reopened let me know. I am working until 11pm tonight.

1:54 p.m.
I see that my grade is at 89.7%. I was wondering if you could reevaluate some of my work and see if I have done well enough to boost my grade to an A this semester.

2:27 p.m.
Hello! I apologize I cant math very well. Could you please tell me what my grade in your class is? It says 314/430. I have no clue what this means. Thank you so very much!

5:27 p.m.
I apologize for my lack of engagement until recent days. I am 95% done with my final paper.
I am wondering if it would be possible to get an extension to Saturday or Sunday evening.

6:07 p.m.
I just bombed the final. I had some of the right answers on some questions, but went back and changed them because I wasn’t sure ? I am super upset about my score and was wondering if there is any way possible I can do something for extra credit.

9:19 p.m.
Is there anything I can do to raise my 79% in the class to 80%?

7:05 a.m.
I am curious my final grade is a 79.9%. Would it be round up to 80% or stay the same?

11:16 p.m.
If there is any way besides the final that I could bring my grade up I would be more than willing to do so.
Then. After days of wild hard piercing panic swamping my inbox, the deluge calmed.

1:54 p.m.
Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words throughout the semester. I know I’ve mentioned that I really struggle with online classes and I expected this semester to be an absolute nightmare, but with every assignment I turned in, your positivity and kind words made me more determined not to fail. Particularly once I remembered where to view grades and feedback, somewhere around halfway through. It was really meaningful to feel like I had someone rooting for me.
All throughout this terrible, tough semester, we did our best. By the end, I was faking patience, running low on grace, but still: I positived, I kinded, I fed back, and I rooted and rooted and rooted. I patched their cracks even as I felt myself leaking.
And now, I sit in my special blue chair in the corner of the living room, a thick blanket spread over my lap. Vacantly, I sip wine and stare at a thirsty plant, its drooping leaves an accusation.
I am so
so very
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