We aren’t fans of resolutions around here, nor are we particularly go-getters. However, as it turns out, we each have something we’d like to achieve in 2013.
Allegra’s goal for this year is to learn to skate ski. We got her outfitted with rental equipment yesterday; she’ll use it the next six Sundays with the skating group in the kids’ Nordic Ski program here in town. Byron took her out for a few minutes–to try out the sizes of boots, skis, and poles they’d given her–and it was lovely.
Paco’s goal for the new year is to make it three months without suffering from a bout of strep throat. So far, seeing as he’s home from school today after a quick culture taken at the grocery-store clinic yesterday afternoon, he’s failing miserably. In better news, he likes the taste of his current antibiotics, and that makes life easier for everyone in the house. As well, he’s thriving on Daddy’s pho (the kid LOVES that broth and the rice noodles) and ramekins of applesauce.

Byron’s goal for this year is to grow his facial scraggle long enough that we can braid some beads into it. I love that my beau is my plaything.

And me? Well, recently I spent a few hours leafing through old photos, and I encountered this one from Easter of 1971, in which I, suffering from an ear infection, look as woebegone as Paco does today; my brother, as ever, tends to me; and my sister poses proudly, showing off a hairstyle that she and I were crazzzzzy for in the early ’70s.

Inspired by this photo, I found my goal for the year. In 2013, I’m bringing The Tunnel back.

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