I noted in my last post that my body is descended from a long line of human couches. I like to think our cushions are covered in the softest of plush upholsteries and that those allowed to fluff our throw pillows are both deserving and grateful.
Below is a literal line-up of my genetic line: three great aunts, plus my grandma, Dorothy (she’s second from the right). They all grew up on a ranch in Montana; they all married ranch hands; they all made (make!–two of them are still alive and cooking, albeit with limited sight and fluctuating memory) hella good chocolate cakes and peach pies; they all never shirked a day’s work in their lives.
Interestingly, while the La-Z-Boy trait passed on nicely to me, the “work ethic” gene got lost in the bloodline somewhere along the way.
Anyhow, this is the photo that caused my dear galpal, Pammy–herself a bit of an overstuffed chair–to exclaim, “I look at that picture, and all I see are hips and breasts! Oh, honey, you didn’t stand a chance, did you?”
Not when it came to breasts and hips, I didn’t, no.
But in so many other ways, I did.
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