Jane Austen
Waiting for a break in the conversation, the impatient ten-year-old saw his chance. The two mothers had slowed their discussion of preschools just long enough for him to break in and change the topic to something that really mattered.

Waiting for a break in the conversation, the impatient ten-year-old saw his chance. The two mothers had slowed their discussion of preschools just long enough for him to break in and change the topic to something that really mattered.
Sweet jeebus.
Words fail me. How very very sad.
Though I'd venture to say your label is right…
This made me sad….I have the first book sitting on the hutch in my kitchen having just been returned from my niece. I can mail it out immediately just tell me where it needs to go.
Yes, the next group of children are likely to never know the pleasures of the imagination, including those of reading. I fear for them as well as feel sorry for them. The children I see can barely read, often to the point of being totally unable to comprehend a full sentence. Wii is just one of the technologies implicated in this. Perhaps there could be an exciting game which encouraged reading, perhaps setting up challenges solved only after having read about them in a book. I am only so thrilled that the love of reading seems to have been passed on to my grandchildren.
What a terrifying post. I don't know which is sadder: the child who didn't realize there were books, or the parents who failed to introduce him to them…
I do think you have stumbled onto (or carefully crafted) an idea that could open up an entirely untapped and lucrative market for video games. You can be Elizabeth if I can be Lydia. She sure did seem to be having fun with the evil Wickham.
Books! I pity the fool who don't read the books.
This was a delight to read, Joce. And maybe a dog-eared copy of the first book will make its way to the kids' house????
Being an avid book reader since childhood, I personally don't understand how people can't love reading. However I don't think it is so much a problem of the "young 'uns today" with their video games and other alternate entertainment. I think every generation of us has had readers and non-readers. During my single years I would house-sit for quite a variety of folks – some with nary a dictionary to be seen, let alone a shelf with any books at all. Such lonely houses. However I also have the most wonderful, dear, creative, intelligent sis-in-law who just happens to NOT be a "book person." Us readers (I'd venture to say ALL who comment here are such!) can't fathom that existence, but it doesn't seem to be any worse with the younger generation… as evidenced by the Potter popularity. The question remains, is it nature or nurture? I still can't figure that one out!
How charitable and generous with your time are you feeling? (what with prepping for the move and all) You could invite those poor deprived kids over for the bedtime reading session at your house. Wait, wait! You could do that and START the HP book(s). Then you will up and leave the county and the kids will BEG their parents to read to them. Win!
oh my…to think that these wii ones don't know there are harry potter books is more than a tad disturbing. it's just plain demented.
wow. just wow.
field trip to the library…stat!
I love the way you brought that whole episode together…very much worth reading.
A few years ago I would have been more disturbed by an aversion to reading. My daughter, now 23, read everything…and would have been one lining up for the Harry Potter books after breakfast.
My son, 7, is clearly a visual learner, aside from any trend of the times…and I have had to learn about acceptance.
Oh my.If these children have two parents with them,that's double the shame factor for not encouraging a love of reading and books.Sometimes one is astounded by the level of ignorance out there. In my first years of teaching,in a country industrial town I came across a little boy who could barely communicate.His mother who was struggling herself said "We never talked to him, no-one told us we could talk to babies, we thought he wouldn't understand anyway". Back here in the city, the child of six, who, although living an hour from the beach, had never seen it.Very sad Jocelyn, but redeemable.
The Harry Potter books remain among the few that my youngest son has read – although he found them un-put-downable they didn't turn him on to books in general. He reads a lot – just not books. I keep trying, and every once in a while he'll fall under the spell and love what's been put under the Christmas tree, for instance, but the internet has too big a lure for him.
A very cleverly written piece, Jocelyn-soon-to-be-in-the-neighbourhood-sorta. I would have made a finger-waggling essay out of it but yours is much more fun.
That would have made me drink. Heavily. And scream "books first! Books first! Books first!"
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