
Every. single. day.

I think anew,

“I don’t foresee ever getting over this place.”

All of these pictures were taken within four minutes’ walk of our house. Just imagine the delights if one were feeling particularly hardy and ventured a five minute expedition.








15 responses to “Saturated”

  1. monica Avatar

    amazing.. do people actually live in the cave like appartments?

    you have warm weather? Here in Denmark it's snowing and freezing…

  2. Mother Theresa Avatar
    Mother Theresa

    It's breathtaking! Does someone actually live in that cave with the really long ladder? That is mind boggling…I can't imagine trying to get the groceries up that thing! 😀

  3. Jocelyn Avatar

    The caves, for the most part, aren't inhabited anymore–although there's big business in renovating them into hotels and such. Many cave homes were falling in, so the government mandatorily evacuated several of the remaining cave-occupying towns some decades ago and stuck inhabitants into new apartments. Caves are still used for storage, though, and for shelter from the sun when they're near garden plots. The ladder there is propped near a pigeon dovecote; the soil here is volcanic and quite rich, but it needs the infusion of fertilizer, so tradition was to collect pigeon guano and mix it in. For the most part, pigeon poop is no longer used so much, but clearly a few folks still cultivate it.

  4. Jocelyn Avatar

    Oh, and it snowed for 24 hours straight the other day, with about 5 inches accumulation, but then it rained the next day and melted it all. So what you see in these photos is December 15th.

  5. unmitigated me Avatar
    unmitigated me

    Pardon my moment of juvenile expression, but next to that ladder? on the left side? *snort* Looks like somebody in desperate need of a bikini wax.

    Okay. I'm done.

    'At dere don't look like no Minnesota, dere.

    (In case you were missing the yooper accent from home).

  6. haphazardlife Avatar

    Every. Single. Post of yours I can't get over the fact that you're living there.

    – Jazz

  7. secret agent woman Avatar
    secret agent woman

    Would you even want to?

  8. Jeni Avatar

    OMG! Those photos are so awesome and incredible. It is amazing to see all those sights via your pictures and I really want to thank you for the tours you give us of this land -something I had no clue before that these places existed. What memories you and your family are creating with this journey! (You knew I had to get an exclamation point in there somewhere, didn't you?)

  9. Green Girl in Wisconsin Avatar
    Green Girl in Wisconsin

    Oh. Wow.
    Thank you for the little tour. I'm agog.

  10. Jenn @ Juggling Life Avatar
    Jenn @ Juggling Life

    Wow. That is all.

  11. alwaysinthebackrow Avatar


  12. Pam Avatar

    Oh bless me! Tinsel-free caves! Please don't let Santa and his damn elves ever, ever see these. Reindeer poop is such a great fertilizer, that's what's got me worried.Great photos Joce.

  13. lime Avatar

    how could anyone get over that. what amazing sights. what a rich experience.

  14. flutter Avatar

    Oh, wow.

  15. Deborah Avatar

    'This is Jocelyn's neighbourhood', I said to MFB, and we both goggled at the photos.
    I wager this landscape will still be in your dreams fifty years from now. It's astonishing, breath-taking and other-worldly, ,and I'm so glad that I get to see it through your eyes.
    There must be people who go there who just DON'T GET IT! Mind you, the settling in of this experience, the branding of it in your mind would not have happened in the same way had you just been a tourist passing through.
    And to think you might only have gone to Siciliy!

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