Category: crying

  • I’ll Tell You Why I’m Crying

    I’ll Tell You Why I’m Crying

    I’m crying. I’m crying because I’m running. I’m crying because I’m running because my right eye weeps whenever the slightest breeze blows against it. I’m crying because I’m running because my right eye weeps whenever the slightest breeze blows against it because the tear duct is apparently clogged. I’m crying because I’m running because my…

  • The Crying Game: Except I’m Not Hiding Anything Under My Skirt

    I posted a few weeks ago about needing the physical release of a good, deep cry. The comments in response to my “make me sob, woncha?” post were amazing. So far, I’ve used some of your suggestions and shed a few quiet, gentle tears. First off, I want to thank my close personal friend “Anonymous”…