Category: meme

  • Blogging Like Rihanna’s “Umbrella” Is the Fresh New Tune

    Blogging Like Rihanna’s “Umbrella” Is the Fresh New Tune

    Back in the mid-aughts, when blogging was fresh and new, it seemed like everyone had a blog. Those of us writing recipes, rants, and random raves could toss out a post–and within 24 hours, there might be 40 comments. The blogosphere was jumping. During the heyday of personal blogs, it was common practice for bloggers…

  • Shaking the Magic Google Ball

    I’ve been socked this week by a stack of research papers, student yowls, and end-of-semester freak-outs. So the writing time? Very small. You know what that means, right? Memetime, lads and lassies! Thanks, Lone Grey Squirrel, for inspiring this meme: typing my answers to the following prompts into Google Image and then choosing a photo…

  • From the Mouth of Dinko

    A few days ago, my new blog pal August, smitten with my irrepressible boy, challenged him to answer the Vanity Fair questionnaire that’s been making the rounds. Wee Niblet, aka “Dinko,” has subscribed to Vanity Fair for years now–two of them, to be exact (the subscription came about during potty training, as he put in…

  • Sandwiched Ellipses

    Some months ago, my much-adored blogpal, Glamourpuss, tagged me with the following meme. Although I entertain some ambivalence about memes, I so much enjoyed reading Puss’s answers that I’m game on this one. To wit: If I were a beginning, I would be….everything in the movie RAISING ARIZONA that comes before the opening credits. Then…

  • Good Vibrations

      As a teacher of writing, I caution my students against using cliches in their writing. Cliches are hackneyed and trite and require no thought on the part of the writer. For example, I point out to my young charges, the phrases it was raining cats and dogs and I was up at the crack…

  • “Mel Torme Is Merely A Velvet Fog Compared to Me” Move over, Bob Barker. Step aside, Tony Bennett. Outta my way, Bill Clinton. Get another job, Oprah. There’s a new Schmoozer in the business, and her name is Jaw C. Lin. Yup, I recently discovered, a bit to my surprise, that I’m a schmoozer. Lone…

  • “Before You Click Your Heels Three Times…Is There Really No Place Like Home?” Last week, Oroneta tagged me with a meme about living the expatriate life. Now, I know Duluth is far North, we all talk like Canadians here as we putter “aboot the hoose,” people do willingly eat herring, and we celebrate St. Urho’s…