Category: On My Mind

  • “But We Don’t Wanna Go Out For Sushi”: What To Do When the Kids Aren’t Game

    “But We Don’t Wanna Go Out For Sushi”: What To Do When the Kids Aren’t Game Short answer? Yank them along anyhow. It’s a lesson in character building, right? But then they make that event–whatever it is–miserable: “I want to go home now.” “When can we be done?” “Do they have any toys for me…

  • Trail Cam

    Trail Cam: Earlier this week, I sucked up the remnant warmth of Summer, as Fall starts to turn rainy and colder. I went for a longish run on the Korkki Ski Trails, reveling in the ankle-deep leaves that made for a surprisingly-loud run. Quite simply, I was in heaven, from the smells of pine needles…

  • Dear Mr. President

    I’m not really “political,” in the traditional sense of that term; in fact, I can just hear your cries of outrage if you knew how old I was before I voted for the first time. And to tell you the truth, I’m not sure if or when I’ll vote again (I have a little side-rant…

  • I Am Yours, and You Are Mine

    “I am yours and you are mine”–Peter Shaffer, Equus When I set foot on the West coast of Ireland, at the age of 20, I believed for the first time in reincarnation. Nothing had ever before felt so familiar and right. Thus was launched a long-distance love affair, played out during my infrequent visits across…

  • Oh, Honey

    A crisis can be an ongoing frustration, and with our investment in an 88-ounce bottle of honey, my frustration was not only ongoing but also sticky. Why did we buy a bottle of honey so ungodly big? Short answer: we’re cheap. The longer answer is something eco-concious, wherein we’re trying to save on the energy…

  • Animals Under My Feet

    Animals Under My Feet: Let me preface this entry by saying that I do like animals. We had two dogs and a cat in our household as I was coming up, and the dogs in particular were my special pals. I would hug and seek solace in them as I shed quiet tears to Steve…

  • Spandex: It Keeps on Giving

    Let me tell you the tale of an old college acquaintance–let’s call him Joe-O. Now Joe-O is a character in and of himself; he’s strident about leaving the smallest “footprint” he can on the planet, to the point that he only buys in bulk, composts everything, and, if he does create some small amount of…

  • Story of An Hour

    Here’s the story of an hour of my life, an hour that felt like an eternity: About nine years ago, when I was still young enough not to know better, I lived alone in what I called my “Unibomber Shack” down in Austin, Minnesota. That’s right, I lived in Spamtown, a place that speaks proudly…

  • O Mighty Isis Crisis

    If you are over the age of 35, you may have watched the Saturday morning tv show called O Mighty Isis waaaaaay back in the mid-1970’s. It is irrevocably linked in my brain with another Saturday morning show called Shazam. At any rate, these tv shows, along with about ten thousand others (“Cause Eight Is…