Hitting the Motherlode at Mamalode

I’ve been writing this blog since 2006 and, before that, pouring words into wild Christmas letters that took so long to read my friends were still working through them come New Year’s. All this fun writing is great. But recently, I decided to start submitting essays to a few publications, just to see what that process of writing, editing, submission, and rejection feels like.

I’ll tell you when the process feels really good: when something gets accepted.

Last week, I heard from Mamalode.com. They accepted an essay I submitted. Then they let me know it would be published on October 7th.

Friends, it went live this morning, and I’m just so happy.

Please, if you have a minute, click on the link below, and give the thing a read.

Sweet Like Sugar







12 responses to “Hitting the Motherlode at Mamalode”

  1. alexandra Avatar

    It was such a perfect place for what you had to say. I hope this is only the beginning, because you are such a find for me, and I would love more than you would love, to see your words in so many places. Stop keeping them to yourself, friend, because you have a big way of getting to the small, where all the heart is.

  2. VioletSky Avatar

    I look forward to seeing another piece of exquisite writing from you in my inbox. I am always latched on to every word to see how the story ends while not entirely sure which direction it will take. You have a way of being quietly suspenseful.

  3. Kirsten Avatar

    Congratulations! 🙂

  4. Joanne Avatar

    First, congratulations, well deserved. I know how hard it is to chose words and sentences that advance the story, and I don’t even teach writing.
    This child will do well. I know tough little children who have to get on with it, and do.
    My niece is deaf. She’s in her mid forties, has a teen age, hearing, son and a deaf husband. She cashiers at a Home Depot and is so kind, courteous and friendly management has to take people out of her line to get everyone checked out in a timely fashion.

  5. ds Avatar

    Congratulations! You absolutely deserve publication, and this piece is beyond worthy. I hope that “Andi” is continuing to do well, and that we will continue to see your name in the proverbial lights.

  6. chlost Avatar

    Yay for you! That is a wonderful essay. It is so you–heartwarming, funny, and visually descriptive. I felt as though I was sitting on the edge of the bed in the dark next to you.
    I admire your bravery in submitting. I have only ventured to do so once, on the recommendation of a writing teacher, so had some hope that it was pretty good. The rejection was perhaps harder due to that. I haven’t submitted anything since. You will remember all of your bloggy friends when you have hit the big time, right? 🙂

  7. chickens consigliere Avatar

    That was awesome and you were very brave:-)

  8. sweffling Avatar

    Well done!! And long-deserved too. I only wish I had your talent for bringing things to life, I still have tears in my eyes, something which does not happen often.

  9. kmkat Avatar

    As always, you rock the words! As the wife of a Type II diabetic, I know a little bit about the monitoring and the dangers, but a Type I is a whole different ball game. What a tremendous little girl, but she is a friend of your daughter — what else could I expect?

  10. Maria Avatar

    What a great piece. And as a fellow type 1, I related. I still have the first check that I received for my first publication. It was in a lesbian magazine and it was for 40 dollars. That was ten years ago. It still sits in my memory box. And it was nowhere near as astute as this one. Way to go!

  11. ilyanna Avatar

    Lovely, graceful piece. I’m so excited that you’re submitting work and getting published! You deserve it.

  12. Secret Agent Woman Avatar

    Done. And congratulations!

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