In the Yard

The kids are in their last days of the school year here, and I’m already in Week Two of teaching summer classes at the college; strangely, there’s something melancholy about this time of year–something about the end of rituals and the starting of new daily schedules, something about the winds contemplating pushing warmer air our direction. Despite the melancholy that comes from taking stock and feeling imminent transition, I really like this time of year, particularly because it’s so delightful to be outside. In this past week alone, my spirits have glided around the backyard, joyfully catching a draft and coasting around, every time I look at our new solar lanterns

and every time I catch sight of the first blooms on the earliest flowers (Siberian Irises delight)

and every time I watch Paco use sparklers as magic wands (“Wingardium Leviosa!” he cries)

and every time I participate in my new favorite sport

[tentblogger-youtube wIgA7a9rE7w]








19 responses to “In the Yard”

  1. magpie Avatar

    okay, race mowing totally made me smile.

  2. kmkat Avatar

    Race mowing could go viral on YouTube.

  3. chlost Avatar

    Ah, summer in Minnesota! Enjoy!

  4. Jenn @ Juggling Life Avatar

    You are a very hot race mower! Much nicer than the 50ish guy with no shirt who lives across the street from me. You’re faster, too.

  5. Jess Avatar

    I adore you. And your yard. In fact I think I might come and pitch a tent in it for the summer. If so, would I be able to participate in the race- mowing trials? You HAVE submitted it for inclusion in the upcoming summer Olympics, yes?

  6. Friko Avatar

    race-mowing? Good idea. Would you like to come and put in some practice in my garden (yard)? I can offer you frequent tea breaks, appreciative noises from the sidelines and a pat on the back for a job well done, as often as you’d like to do it.

    Re Jessica: Sure, I disagreed with you about the ‘no fool’ thing. Would you agree that one can be an utter fool in one way and a clever person in another? I was bright, really bright; capable too, and strong. As well as the world’s most pathetic fool, who needed years to learn her lesson.

    As for the contrarian: Moi? Never !

  7. Lil Avatar

    Love the race mowing, but love the lanterns more!

  8. Jeni Hill Ertmer Avatar

    I really do have to agree with your assertions about this time of year being one of beauty and comfort too! It may get warm, it may get pretty hot from time to time during this period, but thankfully, the heat part usually isn’t outrageously high nor is the humidity the really miserable kind of later summer. And, every now and again, we also get some grey days, some a bit on the chillier side than we might like but what the heck, knowing there is going to be some fairly comfortable weather -not requiring a huge outlay of cash to fire up the darned furnace -then it’s all worthwhile. And did my eyes deceive me or what that mower a hand push-mower -the old fashioned kind that ran only on the strength of the person holding on to the handles? Brave soul you have to be to still operate one of those things!

  9. Green Girl in Wisconsin Avatar
    Green Girl in Wisconsin

    You MOW GIRL! That is too cute.
    As are the lanterns and wand-wielding boy.
    I get kind of moody when summer turns to fall, so I get you on the melancholy.

  10. Pearl Avatar

    Race mowing. 🙂 Why I oughta…

    You are one goofy woman, and I just love you. Mow on, baby. Mow on.


  11. logo™ Avatar

    Around here, I have also been accused of race mowing. Usually that is because I have the rider in 5th gear instead of the sedate 3th gear that Mr. Logo prefers… what…ever.

    Love the lanterns!

    Also around here June is a capricious wee bitch. One day we have capri pant and teeshirt weather and the next day I am making a fire in the wood stove because my toes feel like blocks of ice.

    I love your video of race moving; I’ve watched it twice.

  12. lime Avatar

    love the bright colors of your lanterns and chairs. mr. lime would be ever so envious of a yard smooth enough on which to race mow. he dodges rocks and roots and ditches and all manner of obstacles so he can tame the myriad weeds and few blades of grass.

  13. ds Avatar

    Race mowing! The new Olympic sport! I love the different colors of the chairs on your deck–and those gorgeous lanterns. Hope Paco continues to make things fly…

  14. Monica Avatar

    HAHA, you racer you… Though I think you missed a spot…

    Lovely and colourful house and terrace!

    To Paco: Try this one on your mom: Densaugeo

  15. Meg Avatar

    We had one of those manual reel mowers for about 15 years, until we moved to the country. Man I loved it. Can I come over and race-mow? I’ll bring beer.

  16. Julie Sucha Anderson Avatar

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Still chuckling.

  17. bone Avatar

    I think you have a hit on your hands with race mowing. I was both amused and impressed.

    Probably shouldn’t mention the fact that I had to google “windgardium leviosa.” Yeah, I think I’ll just keep that to myself.

  18. Secret Agent Woman Avatar

    Cool solar lanterns. But I’m truly dismayed by the idea that there is something melancholy about summer. Summer is heavenly. All warmth and green and lazy. Even having to work year-round, I look forward to summer (which started a month ago here).

    1. Jocelyn Avatar

      For me, the melancholy is in the end of a school year in which I see my kids make big progressions–not to mention that its end means I will hardly be alone for three months and I’ll be looked to as activities coordinator, etc. It’s fun to have the time with them, but it’s also really exhausting. That’s a weird melancholy, though, now that I type all that out…

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