Women too often lead with apology.
I have vowed to break that culturally inculcated habit and not apologize for my behaviors unless I’ve just vomited in your daisies or hit the reset button on your Furby.
Thus, I will not lead with apology here.
Instead, I will celebrate my inner She-Ra by boldly stating, with unabashed confidence and not a whiff of regret, that I am supremely untalented at setting up a video camera in a way that captures all of me in the frame (ah, but there is so very much to capture!), that utilizes anything resembling flattering lighting, and that actually shows viewers the thing I’m trying to demonstrate.
Put another way: in the following video, I’m trying to show you my hair, but most of it was out of the frame…and I was too pressed for time to even consider redoing the silly thing.
Because I am unapologetic, I will point out that what I’ve done here is create a tool that provides just enough information for you to figure it out for yourself. And that, Chums, is a little something we call Good Teaching.
I also refuse to apologize for the duncery that has me using “regime” for “regimen” and concocting a stylist named Paul Sassoon. Rather, I commend my mouth for being able to form words at all–no matter how ineptly–after four decades of brain-cell-decimating hairspray spritzing.
It’s a wonder I’m upright, really, what with all the years of hairspray.
And beer.
On that note, I advise you to take out a notebook, sharpen a pencil, and prepare to jot down a few of the most helpful tips:
Because the top of my head was cut off for most of the video, I am also providing a few full head shots, so’s you can see Full Bun in Action.

Oh, I think you know.
now that you know how to tunnel your buns,
do tell:
how would you use the form for function?
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