Category: On My Mind
Does This Donut Make My Butt Look Big?
“Does This Donut Make My Butt Look Big?” Women are weird about their bodies. And by this, I mean about each other’s bodies even more than their own. Certainly, every woman I know has a hearty dose of bodily self-loathing: “My belly shakes when the wind blows.” “This arm wattle? Stand back when I stir…
Despite the Vomit, Why We Don’t Send the Lad to Be Fostered at the Nearest Castle
“Despite the Vomit, Why We Don’t Send the Lad to Be Fostered at the Nearest Castle” He could end up a page to some dashing knight if we did, you know. And he’d learn the ins and outs of keeping chain mail rust free, which is a skill I’d like at least one member…
“Meme-ries” Dorky Dad did it. I’m pointing a finger, and it’s not my pointer finger. At any rate, I jump here, in this post, fully into the life and times of Blogville. Make me mayor for a day, woncha? City keys and all? So, yes, I’ve been tagged with a meme. And even though these…
Vomithounds: You Better Be Good, or You’ll Be Gone
“Vomithounds: You Better Be Good, or You’ll Be Gone” (methinks this gel has a vomit habit)* Earlier this week, Girl was suffering from an undiagnosed Fever ‘N Ague. We knew she had a high temperature. We could see her glassy eyes and flushed cheeks from our vantage point across the room, safely out of germ-jumping…
I’m Only A Paper Loon
“I’m Only a Paper Loon” Most days, I don’t think enough. I just kind of put the car in drive and let it take me places. Or if I’m in the kitchen, and I see a Cheerio on the floor, I instinctively bend to pick it up. Sometimes I eat it. Sometimes I put it…
Bite Me
“Bite Me” This much is a given: I need to lower my body into a large vat of rubbing alchohol and remain suspended there for some minutes. What has not yet been decided are the logistics of the lowering. Obviously, I need some sort of harness, right? And while I suppose a bathtub could suffice…
The Best You Can Hope for in the Hoosegow is a Sealy Posturpedic
Consider this story of misdirected holiday hopes, broadcast last week on NPR: Richard Perez of Lake Station, Indiana, wanted to impress his beloved wife by giving her a plasma television this Christmas. The rub was that he didn’t actually feel compelled to *pay* for the TV. At this point, a little Grinchian ingenuity kicked in,…
An Acceptional Tail
I read and grade papers for a living. While I was recently compelled to poke a hole in my eardrum with a mechanical pencil when I read the 9,543rd paper on “why bow hunting rocks,” for the most part, my job has its perks: a great schedule, lots of autonomy, and an office door that…
Downward-Facing ADHD Doggie: Frantic Yoga
“Downward-Facing ADHD Doggie: Frantic Yoga” I may pride myself on being a hearty soul, but the truth is that I host a puny inner wuss, a very small person who lives inside me and who doesn’t like scary or creepy things like: voles; people knocking on my front door wearing crisp white shirts and neckties,…
East or West, My Couch Is Best
More adventures from the “Jocelyn As Idiot Runner” Files: I am the kind of person who can get lost between my house and my job (where I’ve worked for six years). I can take a wrong street on my way to Cub Foods and end up doing an 18-point turn to back myself away from…